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Friday, December 5, 2008


*thx to aman yg rajin nk tagged akk nyer.heh.

1. What is the most important thing in your life?
-Beribadah kpd Allah,respect to others,pandai masak!hehe,ilmu(kalo xde ilmu org x pandang :D)

2. What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
-topup,choki2,chocolate(mentang2la da cuti)hohoho..

3. Where do you wish to get married?
-xde mase nk pk hal ni.nk pmr daaa~

4. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
-its complicated :D

5. Are you in love?
-Seboklah nk tau!!!

6. Where the last restaurant you had dinner?
-de villa kangkar pulai (rumah sndr :p)

7. Name the latest book that you bought?
-Hurmm..lupe la..xpenting utk tau kan?huhuh.

8. What is your full name?
-Nurul Amalina bt Ramli b.Nazir b. Hj Abd.Hamid b. Hj Abd. Rahman b.....lupe da.huhuh.

9. Do you prefer your mother or father?
-mak abh!hohoh..(saje nk jwb cmtu.)

10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
-org yg xknl tbe2 merayu nk ajk suh perabeskn duit die utk shopping.hahaha.

11. Christina or Britney?
-2-2 x!sbb sekeleyh.

12. Do you do your own laundry?
-absolutely. :D

13. The most exciting place you want to go?
-Tmpat yg ade 4 musim!(teringat time baby dlu sbb x penah rs pon.hoho)

14. Hugs or kisses?

15. 8 things I am passionate about.
-tu jela
-xde ape da
-no idea

16.8 things I say too often.
-berkepit ngn mak abh.hehe.
-tgk tv
-no idea
-pape jela
-kacau org kot.hohoh
-wndu athif!!!!

17.8 books I’ve read recently.
-buku latihan geografi pmr :D
-tu je sbb memandang tgh cuti.hehehe

18.8 songs I could listen to over and over again.
-This is me
-alvin and the chipmunks
-i like to move it!(nyanyikn utk faikar comel.hoho)
-nat king cole: l-o-v-e
-ungu:cinta dalam hati
-thanks for the memorie

19.8 things I’ve learnt last year.
-blaja subjek pmr
-dan seterusnye.........


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